The author reconsiders institutional and cultural approaches to study of Russian state policy on family and parenthood emphasizing that it is necessary to combine political and cultural contexts. A model of the Russian family policy is defined like non-coherent and pronatalist (according to its priority tasks and tools) and conservative (according to its ideology). This fact is strongly determined by the historical experience of the Soviet gender project. A point is made on a significant disjuncture between the official political discourse, normative model of the well-to-do family and individual strategies used by men an women in the private sphere. The paternalistic expectations that still exist cause reproducing of gender inequality in the sphere of family and parenthood.
Data sheet
- 9785943801532
- Publisher
- EUSP Press
European University in St. Petersburg
Издательство Европейского Университета в Санкт-Петербурге
- Author
- Chernova Zhanna
Чернова Жанна
- Year Published
- 2013
- Pages
- 286
- Format
- Paperback
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