Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev is a man whose name is known all over the world. An outstanding connoisseur of Russian and world culture, elected an honorary member of many foreign academies, a deep thinker and public figure. The book 'How We Survived' includes the memoirs of Dmitry Sergeevich from different years, including piercing, sometimes merciless and painful observations about the life of Leningraders during the blockade of the city. Against the background of all the horrors of the war, Likhachev reflects on the moral and ethical state of people in these difficult conditions. The second part of the book consists of 'Letters about Good', known all over the world translated into different languages. Dmitry Sergeevich himself wrote: 'In my book I try to explain with the simplest arguments that following the path of good is the most acceptable and only path for a person.'
Data sheet
- 9785171341657
- Publisher
- Author
- Likhachev Dmitrii
- Year Published
- 2020
- Pages
- 256
- Format
- Hardcover
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