'Eugene Onegin' - the most famous and most significant work of Alexander Pushkin, the pinnacle of Russian poetry and the subject of numerous studies. Pushkin began the novel in May 1823, and finished it only in the fall of 1831, when Onegin's Letter to Tatiana was written. In the fall of 1823, the poet told his friends: 'Now I am writing not a novel, but a novel in verse - a devilish difference ...' Amusing, light, based on a love story conveyed in the manner of a confidential conversation between the author and the reader - and at the same time full of insoluble paradoxes and mysteries , Pushkin's novel attracts new and new generations of readers. This edition includes a commentary on the novel by the famous philologist Yu.M. Lotman. The scientist shows the internally complex structure of the novel 'Eugene Onegin', full of contradictions, hidden behind the external lightness and intelligibility of Pushkin's lines.
Data sheet
- 9785389192201
- Publisher
- Azbuka
- Author
- Pushkin A.S.
- Year Published
- 2021
- Pages
- 640
- Format
- H