
Anglo-russskii entsiklopedicheskii slovar' khokkeinoi terminologii [English-Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary Hockey Terminology]
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  • Anglo-russskii entsiklopedicheskii slovar' khokkeinoi terminologii [English-Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary Hockey Terminology]

Anglo-russskii entsiklopedicheskii slovar' khokkeinoi terminologii [English-Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary Hockey Terminology]

34,95 $

This work is an attempt by the author to help linguists to master one of the many layers of English sports terminology, and to representatives of a wonderful game and journalists and TV commentators in Russia and the CIS who are covering, to improve their knowledge of English. The English-Russian encyclopedic dictionary of hockey terminology is not only a collection of a large number of hockey terms, equipped with numerous examples. It contains a lot of linguistic information that allows the reader, first of all, to learn interesting facts from the history of North American hockey and get acquainted with the situation in the NHL today, as well as discover something new about Canada and the United States.

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This work is an attempt by the author to help linguists to master one of the many layers of English sports terminology, and to representatives of a wonderful game and journalists and TV commentators in Russia and the CIS who are covering, to improve their knowledge of English. The English-Russian encyclopedic dictionary of hockey terminology is not only a collection of a large number of hockey terms, equipped with numerous examples. It contains a lot of linguistic information that allows the reader, first of all, to learn interesting facts from the history of North American hockey and get acquainted with the situation in the NHL today, as well as discover something new about Canada and the United States.

Arkusz danych

R. Valent
R Valent
Zvonkov V L
Year Published
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