Press run only 200 copies. The Atlas is bilingual (all legends and explanatory notes are in English and Ukrainian). Since the atlas contains complex scientific information on the environmental conditions and main peculiarities of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, it is expected that scientists, navigators and mariners will take a keen interest in the Atlas. The atlas represents an important milestone in the decade-long cooperation between Ukrainian oceanographers, hydrographers and cartographers. The charts in the atlas were compiled using the most comprehensive datasets and reproduce, in great detail, the climatic, hydrological, geological, biological and other characteristics of the Black and Azov Seas. The atlas was developed as a one-volume specialised scientific and reference edition. It is expected that the atlas will serve as an information system, providing all interested users with well-grounded scientific information on the environmental properties of the Black and Azov Se
- 9789669697127
- Издательство
- Ukrmorkartografiia
- Автор
- Eremeev V.M.; Symonenko S.V.
Eremeev V.M. Symonenko S.V.
Еремеев В. Симоненко С.
- Год издания
- 2009
- Страниц
- 356
- Переплет
- Hardcover
Твердый переплет