The study is devoted to the philosophical understanding of war as a 'transformation' based on the material of Soviet military theory, where the 'transformation' of war is worked out as a strategy that is most appropriate for the critical linking of the war with the problem of 'information' - the first form of strategizing 'information' or 'cyber war. ' The focus in this way is the phenomenon of the 'information' war, which helps to understand the nature of the modern 'war of the Information Age' and the key trends and development of the war of the future. The book is addressed to experts in the field of international relations, military theory and strategic research, as well as philosophers, historians of Soviet culture and, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the study and the 'anthropological' material used in the analysis, to a wide range of readers.
- 9785971069393
- Издательство
- Leland
- Автор
- Alekseeva-Karnevali O.A.
Алексеева-Карневали О.А.
- Год издания
- 2020
- Страниц
- 304
- Переплет
- Paperback
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