The novel in verses ?Eugene Onegin? is the most famous and most significant work of A. S. Pushkin, the pinnacle of Russian poetry and the subject of numerous studies. Pushkin began writing a novel in May 1823, and finished only in the autumn of 1831, when it was written ?Onegin's Letter to Tatyana?. In the autumn of 1823, he informed his friends: "... Now I am not writing a novel, but a novel in verse - a devilish difference ..." Entertaining, easy, based on a love story, transmitted in the manner of the author?s confidential conversation with the reader, and at the same time full of intractable paradoxes and riddles. Contradictions, multidimensionality, constituting the very essence of the Pushkin novel, attract new generations of readers and allow discovering new meanings in it.
- 9785389088467
- Publisher
- Azbuka
Азбука-Аттикус; Азбука
- Author
- Pushkin Alexander
Александр Пушкин
Пушкин Александр Сергеевич
- Year Published
- 2014
- Pages
- 352
- Format
- Paperback
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